Ideas from the sketchbook.
Explained at bottom of page.

#458 TFL Vol.40 Down to Earth

#456 TFL Vol.39 HERE NOW


#453 TFL Vol.37 FIT PIC NO.6

#452 TFL Vol.36 FIT PIC NO.5

#451 TFL Vol.35 FIT PIC NO.4

#450 TFL Vol.34 FIT PIC NO.3

#449 TFL Vol.33 FIT PIC NO.2

#448 TFL Vol.32 FIT PIC NO.1

#443 TFL Vol.31 Blue Vignette 3

#442 TFL Vol.31 Blue Vignette 2

#441 TFL Vol.31 Blue Vignette 1

#414 TFL Vol.30 Purple Portrait

#390 TFL Vol.29 Case Study

#377 TFL Vol.28 Called Game

#376 Vol.27 DON'T JUMP

#375 Vol.26 Off the Switch

#372 Vol.25 Portrait, Stripes

#303 Vol.24 Pressure


#301 Vol.22 Look at this muthafucka

#293 Vol.21 Orange Exuberance

#292 Vol.20 Revel Berry

#291 Vol.19 Lemon Elation

#290 Vol.18 Bluephoria

#289 Vol.17 Enlightenmint

#258 Vol.16 Hot Seat

#257 Vol.15 Slumped pt3

#256 Vol.14 Slumped pt2

#244 Vol.13 Casual 9/9

#243 Vol.13 Casual 8/9

#242 Vol.13 Casual 7/9

#241 Vol.13 Casual 6/9

#240 Vol.13 Casual 5/9

#239 Vol.13 Casual 4/9

#238 Vol.13 Casual 3/9

#237 Vol.13 Casual 2/9

#236 Vol.13 Casual 1/9

#233 Vo.12 Scarves

#232 Vol.11 Syrup

#225 Vol.10 Sunbehindmyeyes

#224 Vol.9 Make Room

#220 Vol.8 Skittles

#218 Vol.7 Sarycuse

#216 Vol.6 Bans

#178 Vol.5 StussyBeanie

#167 Vol.4 Slumped pt1

#164 Vol.3 Watcha Up To

#155 Vol.2 Smurfn

#152 Vol.1 Bloom
This is The Fucking Lab, a sketchbook hub of ideas. Approaching the end of my second year mastering my digital-surrealist-collage style, with the process of searching through old photos to collage, I wanted to shift my practice. I felt like I wasn’t 100% involved in the process, as a big part of my finished product relied on whatever random photos I found. So, I decided to apply my vintage-feeling surrealist style to a different creative process. I picked up an old sketchbook I had laying around for while, and promptly decided this is where I would begin my new era. For me, it’s very easy to take a sketchbook too seriously. I think too much about filling the page, or making everything cohesive and professional-feeling. So, I promised myself I wouldn’t hold myself to any intensive organizational or creative boundaries, and just sketch an idea that comes to me in whatever detail and format I wanted to
This birthed a new way of thinking about my art for me, as well as filling a hole in my relationship to what I created. Now, in this TFL series, everything in the final product was a full manifestation of my own imagination from start to finish. It was a pleasing break from the randomness of collaging that I had, and still very much do, enjoy. The process of sketching out everything I made also felt very refreshing to my process, and made me think about what I was going to make in a more patient, planned manner. An important aspect of this whole thing is I didn’t pressure myself to stick with it 100%. I still very actively continued my previous process and workings right along side this growing TFL series. I think all of these pieces represent that lack of pressure, as all of the ideas you see are through a very loose and calm creative process. In general, this was my first big step to making myself change my process, and it felt great.
I feel like showing the original sketches alongside the finished products would be cool, but also maybe too detailed of a behind the scenes? Either way, here’s a few pictures of the sort of sketches I make for TFL and what the planning look like.
Vol. 15
Vol. 10
Vol. 23
Vol. 12
Vol. 7
Vol. 11